I am so thankful that we live where we do. Sam and I share a tiny little apartment. I like it because it overlooks the river, has hardwood floors, a lot of kitchen cupboards, and a lot of character. It definitely is cozy a.k.a. small! So Sam and I over the past 11 months (yikes it's almost been a year!) have been constantly rearranging to figure out the best way for this little space to work out for us. We have come a long way. We started with an ugly green dirty carpet that covered these beautiful floors, we got rid of some of the furnishings that came with the place (gaudy "italian" gold wall art! scary paintings of children- oh how I wish we had pictures!) I had to gradually do it, because I felt guilty giving all the stuff back, after all, our landlord was giving us free furniture to use. I think we finally got it when we decided to keep the bed out of the bedroom! And just recently we decided we don't need the coffee table. It just looks so much more open without it. It folds up, so as much as we loved the oriental table, we just store it under the bed and can whip it out whenever we need it. So we packed up a lot of extra stuff that we just didn't need and I can breathe so much easier now. I love it! It's really hard to take pictures of such a tiny space, so you just may have to see it to believe it. So I'm sure now after we have just figured it out we will probably move! It may be just a slight one, to the place downstairs, or it could be a big one. If it's just to downstairs it would be cool because it's bigger and has tall ceilings, that will happen if the current renter moves as he plans on doing in the fall. I will miss some things, but I will not miss the wallpaper! I kinda enjoy the challenge of making the most of each space we occupy and trying to figure out how our stuff (or the stuff given to us) will work best in a space. But I am so ready to be in a place where I can paint the walls, have a garden in the back, sit on my own porch, and hopefully stare off into the distance at mountains. Someday. Someday. It's good to have hope! As Sam always says, ""You'll appreciate it more."
We ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
God gives us such cool pictures in the Bible, and it is so easy to relate to. The hope that I have for a better job and owning a house is nothing compared to the hope of heaven. But it's so cool because God blesses us and we wait patiently and we receive things hoped for. It makes us happy. Heaven is going to be so much happier! I love it that with heaven all we have to do is believe, we don't have to work for it at all, the work is all totally done out of love. All we have to do is believe.
And then in Romans it goes on:
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
I love that section. It's so comforting, we are so stupid and words fail us sometimes, but we don't need to worry because the Spirit is there. It's so cool. Read Romans, it's such a great section of the Bible. I was quoting Romans 8:23-27, and it just goes on and gets better and better.
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