Ok, ok! So I said I was going to blog more often, and then July happened! Last weekend was absolutely crazy but it's all over with now. I have many, many things to update you all on! First off, the cake pics. The bigger one is a fondant covered cake I did for Matt and Heidi's wedding. I apologize, the lighting was so dark and terrible, so the photos are not great. I'm really hoping the ones from my SLR will turn out better. So we're off to our Bible study. My apologies, I'll fix the sideways pic when I get back, and look forward to more fun posts soon!
Alright, the photo is now straight, much better! So I need to update you all.
So here are a few pics from the reunion we had. It's been five years since I graduated! Crazy, so since our class was really small we got together for dinner. These pics are of the last stragglers to leave the restaurant, and we totally forgot to get a good picture of everyone! It was fun catching up with everyone.
I am so glad that weekend is over! It was stressful. I had to work, on top of making two wedding cakes and attending the weddings, a friend also had a bridal shower that weekend, and we had this class reunion. So yes, I did say I was going to post more often, but you can forgive me, right?
So what do you think of the polka dotted dress? I got it very quickly at WetSeal. It was $11. Polka dots are not usually my thing, but it has cute big buttons and I thought it was fun, and hey, you cant' beat 11 bucks. This is a perfect segue into my next post! It's going to be all about the shopping and my addiction to sales!
What's SLR? Good job on the cakes!
Becca! Yea! Finally! I looove these cakes. Nice platter on the Seybt wedding.;) When do I get that back? Honestly, these are gorgeous. You need to construct a business plan
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