Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm feeling so thankful and fortunate right now. I've had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know some beautiful people. I have been blessed. Last night at Jacobs Well we had a thanksgiving meal and it was a crowded house. I think we served around 200 people. We planned and prepped, and you never really know how many people will come. It all came together so well and it was so cool to see so many people coming together to make it happen. I can think of 15 people right off the top of my head that helped out in various ways- it's more like 45 people who came and brought something, helped serve, washed dishes, planned the amount of food we needed to buy, pulled all the food together and got it cooked in time, decorated and set up the tables, took out the garbage, restocked the plates and napkins, and cut the pie. I can get so stressed and high strung in the moment trying to do whatever- I'm a crazy woman, I felt that way last night- but stepping back and seeing it all was so powerful and hard to describe. Where I was weak and freaking out, someone else was strong. That is the cool thing about a body, we all have our weaknesses, but together it all works. I was able to help organize it, so it really was amazing last night to look around and see smiling faces of people eating, and talking, serving, laughing and getting to know each other better. I've loved making friends and chatting while peeling potatoes, serving, and washing dishes. I'm so thankful for Kathy, Jim, Linda, Lisa, TJ, Andrea, Kelly, Charity, Joe, Mike, Valerie, John, Susan, Aaron, Amanda, Eric, Jessica, Jason, Will, Sony, JoAnne, Roger, Tina, Kimmy, Sam, Jenny, Sue, Shirley-- and I'm sure I'm forgetting many more who have helped out with the meals. I'm glad that Roger came and helped out last night. He was so happy. Being a part of this community is so cool. I am constantly learning and being humbled. I was nervous, there were a few things we didn't have planned or accounted for, but God provided the right people at the right time. There was the right amount of food and plenty of people to come and enjoy it. I look forward to many more Tuesday night dinners of good food, and fun people.


JSchaller said...

How special to be a part of an evening like that. Congratulations on the success of the meal!

Andrea Jean said...

I felt so blessed to be apart of something like that It was really evident to me that God's hand was in all of it! And THANK YOU, Becca, for everything you did to help pull it together. It is so neat to see you using the gifts God has given you to serve others. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Birthday tomorrow and I will see you Friday! =)