Ok, I don't know what has gotten into me. Antiquing in Snohomish, I spotted this little baptism gown awhile ago, and it was there the last time I went, so I just had to get it. Can't you just imagine pink satin ribbon strung through the neck and the little sleeves? I just love it!
And then there is this little planter- so cute! They are in my shabby chic guest room for now. Of course the backdrop is this cool quilt that my mom brought for me!
I need to do another post soon on what I did when my parents were here. But I thought I'd share these finds first. And here is a daisy garbage can I found at the coolest thrift store ever on Whidby Island. I'm loving it in my art space!
Cute finds...the cat is a planter? I love the baptism gown...I'll admit it I bought an adorable knit top from a nursing home lady years ago for my future daughter.
Thanks for dropping by my blog! What great finds you have here. I love how you've posed the little planter like he is looking up from being nestled in a cozy place. Very sweet.
I love the baptism gown...when I first saw it I thought that maybe you were gonna tell us a BIG surprise or something! :D Life is going well here...I just went through the whole apartment and rearranged and cleaned and my landlord is gonna steam clean the carpet in one of the rooms and thats where the baby will be going...so we are working on that and stuff...I hope things are going great with you guys too! Have a great day!!!
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