I loved hearing what inspires everyone. I thought I'd share the things that I am really loving right now.
1) This etsy shop. All of the hand carved rubber stamps are so cool. I love the little camper of course, all of the tree stamps, and that cute parasol. Don't you agree, super cute?
2) This version of this song: He Knows My Name. I found it on our ipod, I think the singer is a guy Sam played with at a coffee shop in MN a couple years ago. I think you can listen and download the song for free.
3) Going on walks in the woods. I love being outside. I think it's the best source of inspiration for making things. I'm a weird little collector, always have been. Does anyone else bring pockets full of treasures back from walks? I love the little turtle shell we found camping. And here is just a silly little thing I made playing around with masking fluid and gel medium last night.
**And I got my camera professionally cleaned. It's working much better now. Before, I had a few dirty spots I had to edit and clear up on each picture. Now they're crisp and clean! It was worth the splurge.
Have a good good weekend everyone! The weather has been crazy here, last week was killer hot- we were all gonna die, now it's feeling like fall. I like it- a new season. Fall is my favorite!
Fall is my favorite too!!
I am also am so into reading the classics as well.
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