At 4 months I'm loving:
*How she turns her head spontaneously and looks at me with her sparkling eyes and flashes a huge grin.
*The way she always wraps her fingers around me
*The way she chews on her thumb
*Her instincts- she just started to grab things and really hold on
*That she doesn't seem to mind 90 minute walks
*Her little giggle
*Kissing her smooth soft little head hundreds of times every day (not even exaggerating)
*She's going to be tall like me. She's off the charts at 27 inches and quickly outgrowing the cute baby clothes
*Her somewhat regular 3 hour afternoon nap
*How she is rocking the vintage clothes
*Her ever growing bald spot
*These old lady glasses in baby size that were given to us for free from the kind lady at a thrift store on the first sunny day of the season!
* Her little arm wrapped around her dad
*These cute pajamas from grandma
* These chubby ankles
*These pictures of us
*Her strength is growing every day. She likes to be on her tummy and can really flip!
*Crawling into bed between these two late at night
*Her long eyelashes
*Her explorations and bath time swims
*Her first piggy back ride
*How she sleeps with her hands behind her head (She used to sleep with her fingers wrapped around her blanket.
*This face