Not only is it mother's day, but it was both of my mom's birthdays last week. So happy birthday and happy mother's day to you both! I love you both so much!
Sam's mom, Linda took the train out here and we had a lovely time. We went to the tulip festival in Mt. Vernon. You may have remembered the last time we went, we were too early and just saw daffodils. Well, as we drove toward the fields I saw rows of green, with no flowers. I was afraid we would be too late. We got there just in the nick of time to see Tulip Town. It was so beautiful. It's so hard to decide which pictures to choose to post! There were rows and rows of colorful tulips! I had this strong desire to make a snow angel in the field of tulips, wouldn't that be fun?
They were starting to demolish them. They go through and snip snip off all the pretty tulips and then they run them over with a plow. It was the saddest thing! I just couldn't take doing a job like that! They grow these tulips for the bulbs, so they're not interested in the flowers!
What a beautiful sight to see!
Beautiful pictures Becca, sad to see them being cut down and thrown away. Seems they could give them away to some people who would enjoy them
The pictures are beautiful! What a great place to see! Love your blog!
Such a beautiful scene! Very refreshing :)
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