Monday, November 24, 2008


This year I have so much to be thankful for.  I have this little list I keep in one of my journals of dreams and hopes for someday.  It's so good to look back on it and see which things God has blessed us with.  Some are big, some are small.  Sam likes us to do this so I "appreciate it more" uh, if I had a nickel every time he said that!  

I am so thankful I have a room of my own.  I totally need to read Virginia Woolfe's book.  It is so great to have a space all to myself to create things.  I love making a big mess and just shutting the door on it!  So great.  I never thought I'd have my own room.
This is a stupid little shallow thing, but this is a blog- so I must share.  After years of searching, I have found the pair of boots.  Leather boots baby, in size 11!  They will arrive just in time, on my birthday.

Sam and I are healthy.  I think of all the people who have crazy medical bills and have to buy expensive medications all the time and I am so thankful that we are healthy.

We have running water, a toilet, a dishwasher, and a washer and dryer.  That is so cool and awesome.

I am so thankful for having such generous and artsy family and friends.  I have had so much fun lately wearing a different scarf every day.  I think of the person who made it for me, and all the love, attention, and hard work it took.  I must have at least 15.  And I love the quilts that keep me warm at night.  

I could go on and on, but I won't.  What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

bethany said...

Cute boots! :)

Other than health, job and family...I think I am most thankful for a little expendable income! The ability to splurge on craft supplies, take someone out to dinner or enjoy a weekend away with family or friends without having to eat Ramen for the rest of the month is a HUGE blessing!

Happy Thanksgiving :)