Here are a few halloween banners I made. I think I'll do a few more too. I had so much fun making these. I've been saving cereal boxes, so I cut those out and used spray adhesive to attach the scrapbook paper to them. Check out my
shop to see what else I've been up to!

I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into our home, you can see part of that awesome view, I'll share more pics soon!

This thing was a beast to take a photo of. I spent way too much time and got really frustrated!

Have a great weekend everyone! Hope you get outside and enjoy it!
They turned out great! And yes, your view is amazing, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to see it in person! =)
See you tomorrow!
ooo I love banners...I'm actually in the middle of making Christmas ones! =) I thought I better get a jump start on them since projects taking me a long time!!! =)
Love the "boo" banner...keep up the awesome work, Becca!
These pictures turned out awesome. I think they look great against the floor. Seriously, get your hiney out of your shell and keep up the awesomeness. I am drooling over this insane productivity of yours. :)
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