1. I finally found out what beer I like. I love porters. I always felt like Julia Roberts from Runaway Bride with the eggs. I always ordered what Sam was having. I knew I liked darker beers, but I never would remember the ones I like best. So now I know.
2. I've been so stagnant with my skiing it was driving me nuts. I knew what I needed to do, I just couldn't figure it out. Sam's lovely tip of reaching out with my poles helped me to finally be able to ski bumps well. I am now faster than a snail's pace on the bumps. This was huge, I have been skiing at the same level since I lived in Colorado 3 years ago, I just couldn't get any better. We had a delightful sunny Saturday of skiing.

4. I am no longer going to pretend that I care about what I eat. I'm not going to say, oh I better not have that. No, I am going to enjoy the fact that I'm 25. One day (not too far away) my metabolism won't be working with me so well, and I am going to think that I was crazy for ever saying I was getting fat or thinking that. I am going to try to be healthy, but if I get a crazy yummy fattening coffee drink I will always say yes to the whipped cream and not feel guilty. I am thankful God made me 6'1". I can eat a lot of food, if I were 5'1" I would be a fatty!
I love #4 Bek. I had one of those moments today...I was sitting in my boring EKG class and decided I wanted a starbucks icee drink and what the heck a bag of lovely smelling popcorn they were selling in the lobby. NO guilt, just pleasure....I did take the stairs however. I wanna eat what I want but I also would like to fall in love with working out so eating wont matter...do you think its possible?
One more thing...I tried some great beer last weekend too while Michelle and Dave were here (they are experts). The only kind I really dont care for to much is a really hoppy beer...that is unless its going along with a burger or something.
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