Sunday, December 21, 2008

Crazy Snowstorm


Cars stuck on our road

deck  full of snow

So I grew up in MN and WI, so I know what a snowstorm is, this was a real snowstorm.  I think we got 3 feet of snow in one snowfall that lasted over 24 hours.  I don't really know because I don't have a tv, because I'm sure it's all they have been talking about.  
~I know that it is hip deep, 
~I know that the snow drifts I created are taller than me.  
~I know that my snow drifts are higher than our neighbors-(hmm, I don't think they divided the driveway too evenly, that's ok, I needed and delighted in the exercise, and I guess if you snooze you loose, they shoveled yesterday)

  I love a good snowfall.  I love it because it slows people down and brings people together.  You can't avoid the shoveling, and when you finally get to it, you see your neighbors shoveling.  You stop and talk about how crazy the weather is.  If you do venture out, inevitably you, or someone around you will get stuck, which requires some comradary and someone with a chain.  You see the kids playing.  I got a little worried this morning, I was the only one out.  Surely there must be children somewhere in this neighborhood.  There were, kids are just a bit lazier when I was little.  They didn't make it out until about 9:30 am.  
I love the look of white covered everything.  And guess what, it's snowing again!  
You know it's a storm when:
~It takes 20 minutes to SHOVEL off your car (it was taller than me 6'1''.) 
~When the post office doesn't deliver mail, 
~when the banks close,
 ~when the 24 hour Fedex is closed (a week before Christmas)
I just love the snow.  It brings back so many good memories.  Good childhood memories, but good memories from just a couple years ago too.   It dumped about 12" every night in Winterpark.  I have especially delightful memories of coming across an abandoned ski resort on a winter walk, that was delightful.  And the friends I introduced you to, Kevin and John always had something up their sleeve.  I love that giddy feeling of doing things outside, it really makes you feel like a kid again.  

Oh and I found this most humorous.  Sam had to call me and inform me that I shouldn't twist as I throw the snow I shovel.  He felt he needed to remind me this.  Did he not remember that I grew up attached to a shovel?  He told me I'm getting old-I'm not as young as I used to be-ouch, this is going to be the beginning of bad things-what will he say when I'm 40?  But it is true, I can't recall the last time I shoveled.  We haven't lived in a place that required us to shovel since we've been married.  We parked under a tennis court in Winter Park, thank the Lord!

So I'm trying to conjure up some winter activity to do-when there is this much snow there is adventure to be had-we just have to go find it.  I'll keep you posted.
When I was little we headed across the street to our private sledding hill at Mrs. Bachs.  We hauled sleds over and these ghetto strap in skis.  We snowboarded on our sleds.We would fill our sled with snow and pretend it was rice and it was all we had to live.  We would make homes underneath the evergreens, were it was protected with no snow.  We made tunnels through the massive snow drifts that piled up from the snow plows. We came in and laid our soggy mittens and socks on the register and warm up to hot cocoa.  What could beat that? 
Oh, this shot is so beautiful.  I was hoping I could capture it, and I think if you blow it up, or look closely you can see the glittery shimmer.  Have you guys seen the magic of the snow-the sunlight kisses it and it gleans like golden glitter and little specs dance around in the air.  So magical!  
Here is my attempt at a snow angel.  I think there was too much snow, or my abs are just really weak-or most likely a combination of the two.  If you recall-making a snow angel is easy, the tricky part is getting out of it without ruining it-this is the skill-the art if you will, of snow angel making.

Hmm, am I a psychopath?  Yes!  But it's ok, because I'm going to go out and play in the snow instead of being balled up inside (don't worry, I've been enjoying plenty of that as well!)


Dr. Heidi said...

Wow! you guys got a ton of snow too! You brought back good memories of Mrs. Bach's...I don't remember the pretend rice rations though. I think you fabricated that one. :)

Jenny said...

That is indeed a snow storm. I think it would be best to shield these pictures from dad or he will flip and he'll be talking about that nasty weather you guys are having. I was talking to Alex on the phone and I asked him if he wanted to build a snowman and he told me that we should build a snowfort so that we can throw snowballs at Taylor and Andy, he is 100% positive we will beat them in our fight. We'll see!

From Sunday to Monday said...

Wow bek! I am on the phone with jo and my mom though and they say pishhh we have that much snow here too(in WI)! Looks crazy to me though! We have very little here in CO.