I'm excited for the new year. It should be a good year. It's already starting out fun this month because Amy will be visiting and then my family will head out to MN for everyone to meet Luna.
I'm going to do the 365 project. You can see the start
here on flickr. I am really hoping to learn to use my camera better. I keep debating over whether I should hunker down and learn the manual settings. I always feel guilty about not knowing how to. I'm thinking I would love to get a new
flash because I'm really struggling getting good pics of Luna with the low light in the house.
I'm really pumped to document Luna's life with
this calendar from a sweet friend. It's simple enough and will be so cool to look back on.
I made my first blurb book for a gift this Christmas. It's from the tulip festival in Mt. Vernon. I would love to make more. I've hardly printed any photos from the past 5 years and I would at least like a little book of each year.
I need to refresh my google reader with new inspiration. And I need to stop lurking and leave more comments. I'm bad at saying witty one liners. Any suggestions for new blog reads?
I want to do little things for people. It could be super simple or more elaborate.
I want to be happier- more grateful for things. I have trouble always seeing the good in things- I just want to be more mindful of all the good stuff in my life.
Make things. I'm doing Farm Chicks again. I want to get etsy up and going again. And I want to just make more stuff for fun. Hopefully I can be a little more organized for Farm Chicks this year so I'm not running around like a mad person at the end!
Have an inspiration board. I love these.
Organization. Always an ongoing goal of mine- it's my biggest weakness
So that is the plan for now. Nothing too grand, just some good things to keep in mind for this new year.